Loss Prevention BoB Technology Solution

Wireless stand-alone technology to reduce Bottom of Basket losses and save the sale.
No POS Integration

About Us

Our Experience

After many years of observations of BoB losses in the industry and evaluations of solutions available, founder Craig Moyer began design and technical development in May 2016. After years of development the new BoB solution launched in December 2020.

A strategic partnership with Phase IV Engineering Inc. , an industry leading RFID development firm, helped create an innovative and effective BoB solution for all Retail stores.

The BoB Problem

"BoB" losses occur when items on the bottom of a shopping cart pass through the point of sale without payment.

BoB losses occur due to customer errors, cashier errors, or guest malfeasance.
90% of BoB losses are the honest mistake, the forgotten item.

In the United States alone, Industry wide BoB losses are an estimated 2 billion dollars annually.

A Simple Solution

No POS integration. No IT involvement.
Carts are affixed with a BoB Sensor. A patented wireless RFID activated technology to accurately detect BoB items.
It's a very small, durable, hardened sensor box. We handle the install. Fast and easy.

Lanes are equipped with a BoB Reader. Small and hidden from view . We handle the install.

POS lanes have a visible BoB Indicator messaging sign notifying the cashier AND the guest of a BoB item. Top has a light as well for ceiling mounted CCTV detection.
Simple and powerful method to reduce losses.
You choose the message it's completely configurable.
We do the install. Fast and easy.

Highly effective because it allows for guest notification of the BoB item as well as the cashier notification and Loss Prevention for proper ringing of all BoB items.

This is the simple, easy and accurate BoB process you have been looking for.

Demystifying the Idealizations of Love

Love, in its myriad forms, has been idealized in cultures around the globe, weaving a tapestry of expectations that often stands in stark contrast to reality. From fairy tales to modern media, the portrayal of love as a grand, all-consuming force sets a bar that real-life relationships can find challenging to meet. This discrepancy between the ideal and the actual experience of love invites a closer examination. Surprisingly, insights from the world of professional escorts—whose interactions encompass a broad spectrum of intimacy and companionship—provide a unique perspective on the complexities of love, challenging some of our most cherished idealizations.

The Myth of Love at First Sight

The notion of love at first sight is a romantic ideal that suggests instant, overwhelming attraction signifies a deep and lasting connection. While enchanting, this concept oversimplifies the complexities of building a meaningful relationship.

Real Connections Take Time

Gradual Development: Genuine connections typically develop over time, with mutual understanding and shared experiences forming the bedrock of lasting love. Instant attraction, while powerful, does not guarantee compatibility or emotional depth.

Escorts' Perspective on Instant Connections: Professional escorts, who often experience immediate, albeit temporary, connections with clients, understand that genuine intimacy requires more than instant chemistry. Their experiences highlight the importance of communication, respect, and mutual enjoyment in cultivating meaningful interactions, whether fleeting or enduring.

The Pursuit of Perfection in Partners

Another idealization of love is the quest for a perfect partner—a soulmate who completes us in every way. This pursuit can lead to unrealistic expectations, undermining the potential for genuine connections.

Embracing Imperfections

Accepting Flaws: Real love involves accepting each other's imperfections and growing together. The expectation of perfection can prevent individuals from appreciating the unique qualities that make a relationship special.

Lessons from Escorts on Realistic Expectations: Escorts, who encounter individuals with a variety of desires and personalities, underscore the diversity of human preferences. Their professional interactions remind us that fulfilling connections are not about finding perfection but about finding joy and satisfaction in the reality of one another's company.

The Promise of Everlasting Love

The idealization of everlasting love, while beautiful, ignores the dynamic nature of human relationships. Love can evolve, change form, or even fade, and this fluidity does not diminish its value or authenticity.

Acknowledging Change and Growth

Evolving Relationships: Love and relationships can evolve over time, influenced by personal growth, life circumstances, and external pressures. This evolution is a natural aspect of human connection.

Insight from Escorts on the Nature of Love: Professional escorts witness the transient nature of human interactions daily. Their experiences illuminate the value of appreciating love in its present form, without the expectation of permanence. They teach us that the beauty of love often lies in its ability to adapt, change, and even conclude, with each phase offering its unique lessons and joys.


The idealizations of love, while offering comfort and inspiration, can also obscure the beauty of love's true nature. By challenging these idealizations, we open ourselves to more authentic and rewarding connections. Insights from the world of professional escorts, far removed from fairy-tale narratives, provide valuable perspectives on the realities of human interaction and intimacy. Embracing love in its many forms, with its imperfections, transient moments, and capacity for growth, allows us to appreciate the depth and richness of our connections more fully. In doing so, we find that the true ideal of love lies not in its perfection but in its profound ability to touch our lives in diverse and unexpected ways.

Contact BoB Profit Partners

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